Category Archives: In and Out- Spatial Correspondence

In and Out – spatial correspondence – Preview Thursday 19.05.2016 from 6 pm

Such places do not exist and , because they do not exist,

space is turned in to a question,

ceases to be a certainty, ceases to be integrated

and ceases to be appropriated.

Space is doubt: I have constantly to mark it, to

define it. It’s never mine, never given to me,

I have to conquer it.


Georges Perec.

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In and Out – spatial correspondence – RAUMX forthcoming group show on lens based art May 2016

In and out5-hoch Thursday

















The exhibition In and Out – spatial correspondences- is primarily presenting photographic positions dealing with the question of the factual and the actual.

To what extent can a photograph embody  characteristics of sculpture or painting?When does the photograph become the medium for painterly or sculptural strategies and vice versa? This theme  is illuminated from different angles by using some real objects and sculptures which are placed between surface and space .

Philipp Dorl -Slit-back

Philipp Dorl ,Slit-back




Martina Geccelli,  Stone 2. 2015

Martina Geccelli,
Stone 2. 2015

Darren Harvey -Regan,  The Erratics 10

Darren Harvey -Regan,
The Erratics 10

Tamara Lorenz, Rot1

Tamara Lorenz,

Michael Moerk, White

Michael Moerk,

David penny, Do you think it will be like this forever, 2016

David Penny,
Do you think it will be like this forever, 2016